Mobile Fingerprinting

At ProVerify, we strive to provide the ultimate service in terms of convenience and effectiveness for our customers.

With on-site mobile appointments, we offer convenient services to large groups of individuals needing fingerprints. We can travel wherever your office or business is located.

Worried your office might not be large enough to accommodate your entire workforce or staff all at once? Not a problem – we can make arrangements for our mobile fingerprinting unit to meet you at a convenient location of your choosing.

Stay safe by increasing your confidence in who you’re hiring. For jobs that require the highest level of trust, you need the highest level of background assurance.

That’s where fingerprint-based background checks come in. They research the criminal and non-criminal fingerprinting history of an individual based on something far harder to fake than a name and ID document — a person’s unique fingerprint history.

A fingerprint background check researches the criminal and non-criminal history of an individual.

Fingerprinting is often required for employment in regulated industries such as financial institutions or healthcare services. Depending on your industry, fingerprinting requirements may vary by state. In any case, fingerprint background checks can help you create safer workplaces, improve your security footprint, reduce risk, and safeguard the data your customers entrust to you.

A fingerprint background check provides an Authorized Recipient with a Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) report. A CHRI report, also known as a “rap sheet,” comes directly from the FBI database and contains the following candidate information:

  • Biographic information: candidate’s full name, date of birth, and Social Security number
  • Arrest information: e.g, felonies, misdemeanors, infractions
  • Dispositions: arrest outcomes – e.g, charged, convicted, or acquitted

As thorough as they are, fingerprint services don’t uncover everything about a prospective candidate. For a more complete picture, it’s important to conduct additional searches along with a fingerprint check, such as criminal checks at the county level, employment verification and education verification.

Whether your needs are driven by federal, state, or local regulations, ProVerify is positioned to be your fingerprinting services partner. ProVerify can facilitate fingerprint-based background checks for employment and licensing purposes. Available options vary by state. Connect with one of our experts to discuss your industry, region, and company-specific needs.

Camps & Programs

ProVerify believes performing criminal background checks on the people who will be working with the children in your care is not only a standard of the American Camp Association (ACA); it is your obligation to the families that have entrusted you with their kids.


School volunteers are the most overlooked group when it comes to background checks in education. Volunteers serve many roles in K-12 education, from classroom aides to tutors to chaperones for school field trips. Some volunteer roles are one-offs, such as when a parent volunteers to come along for a field trip. While many other volunteer roles are longer-term, the variation of engagement lengths is one reason that school volunteer background check policies aren’t always as well-established as the vetting policies for teachers or administrators.

Still, the fact is that school volunteers often work with kids as closely as teachers do and more closely than most administrators. As such, every school or school district must have smart and well-document protocols for vetting volunteers. Criminal background checks, sex offender registry searches, and child abuse or neglect background checks are crucial for all school volunteer roles.

Other background checks may depend on the capacity in which a volunteer will be serving. For example, volunteers who tutor kids or come into the classroom to help students with their schoolwork are often retired teachers themselves. Schools may decide to vet these individuals to make sure they are qualified to assist in this capacity. Meanwhile, parents volunteering to drive for a field trip should at least be asked to present a copy of their driver’s license so that the school can ensure it is valid and in good standing.

Volunteers play key roles in schools by sharing some of the burden’s teachers carry. Unfortunately, the trade-off is that volunteers are put into a position where they could take advantage of vulnerable children if they wanted to. While schools often implement policies that prevent volunteers from being alone with students without teacher supervision, those policies are ultimately imperfect. Schools can keep their students safer by incorporating background checks for all volunteers.

Sports are a vital component of the school experience for students of all ages. When executed correctly, school sports can help keep students invested and engaged while offering significant opportunities to play their strengths and find excellence outside the classroom. However, just as schools need to vet teachers thoroughly to make sure they are safe, trustworthy, and qualified, they should always do the same for coaches, assistant coaches, and other school sports employees or volunteers.

Coaches tend to have a very different relationship with their athletes than teachers do with students. Specifically, the coach-athlete relationship is often much less formal than the teacher-student relationship. Because sports take place outside school hours and involve physical activity rather than academics, and there is such a profoundly emotional aspect to athletics for many young people, athletes and coaches often have a bond closer to a friendship than the typical teacher-student relationship. However, while this kind of bond can create potentially life-changing mentorship opportunities, it can also be twisted and manipulated by coaches who choose to cross the line.

Verbal or physical abuse, sexual abuse, drug or steroid use, and inappropriate relationships are all problems that can arise when a coach doesn’t respect the boundaries that should exist between them and a young athlete. Background checks for school sports employees are the best strategy at a school’s disposal for minimizing those risks. Again, criminal background checks and searches that look for a history of sex crimes or child abuse are at the core of youth sports checks, but employment history checks and reference checks are also necessary. If a coach left a previous job or was dismissed over concerns about their relationships with athletes, a red flag might not always manifest as a criminal conviction but can sometimes be uncovered by talking with people who knew the coach before.

While much of the discussion around youth sports background checks focus on the K-12 age range, massive scandals involving Larry Nassar (at Michigan State University) and Jerry Sandusky (Penn State University) have shown that thorough background investigations and improved oversight of athletic programs are needed at the higher education level as well.

On-Site Digital FBI Fingerprinting for PA Department of Education (DOE) | FBI Criminal History Report.

Item Description Amount
Per Fingerprint Unit
*Discounted Rate if a second day is deeded ($625 Full Day)
$750 Full Day
Per Fingerprint Unit $400 Half Day
FBI Fingerprinting Authorization Codes $26.25
ProVerify Registers Candidates $8.00 per person
Client Registers Candidates No Cost
Milage @ $.675/mile
* According to current standard rates for 2023
Per Diem (per individual)
* According to current standard rates for 2023
$59 per day
  • 45 Maximum – The maximum number of candidates that can be scheduled per day is 45
  • There is no minimum – Fingerprinting units are scheduled on a half-day / full-day basis.
  • Discounted rates are available with other services.
  • FBI Authorization Codes will be sent in a separate encrypted email if ProVerify is asked to
    register candidates for any fingerprinting event. A cost of $8.00 per candidate will apply